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Sedation Options

A woman under conscious sedation at Rai Oral Surgery & Dental Implants in Virginia Beach, VAThe vast majority of people have an overwhelming anxiety concerning their dental care. Something about their mouth and teeth makes them immediately anxious. This is particularly true when the need for invasive surgical procedures are required to deal with a serious condition. The biggest commonality between patients concerning this anxiety is the sensation of pain when procedures are performed. This is why sedation dentistry has come to the forefront of dental health.

One of the most important aspects of dental surgeries is the comfort of the patient. They need to be relaxed so they do not flinch or jerk during a procedure which can cause damage to healthy tissue in the mouth. This is particularly important for those surgical procedures when the patient is completely awake and alert when they may react to sights and sounds they experience. We look to lower the level of anxiety the patient is experiencing and remain calm and collected while the surgery is being performed.

Sedation greatly increases the success of the operation. At our Rai Oral Surgery & Dental Implants office, we strive to apply a level of sedation necessary to provide comfort and calm to the patient. We offer in-office anesthesia when necessary.

Sedation Definition

The definition of sedation is quite simple. It is the diminished conscious state of the patient with regard to their awareness of the environment around them. It is very difficult for some patients to relax during dental procedures such as wisdom tooth removal, dental implants, and bone grafting because of their perceived level of pain as opposed to the experienced level of pain, and sedation helps to relieve the stress.

Sedation Options

Sedation dentistry is broken down into different levels. While minimal sedation is the recommended level in the vast majority of all procedures, this is not always adequate. Minimal sedation is used in minor surgeries. It reduces pain and discomfort which can come with the procedure but the patient remains conscious.

For the more complex surgeries, moderate sedation is used. It helps to depress consciousness through cardiovascular functionality that remains intact. The patient can feel and react to external stimuli too.

Deep sedation becomes necessary for the most involved oral surgeries. Patients are unconscious and cannot be aroused or react to stimuli. This type of sedation is very uncommon.

Do I Need Sedation?

Sedation dentistry is the art of finding the delicate balance between the patient’s comfort and the necessary level of sedation. While not all procedures cause pain, the patient may still be overly anxious about undergoing it. We assess each situation in turn to determine the appropriate level of sedation.

Using the appropriate level of sedation makes procedures safer for staff and for the patient. It limits the potential for accidents when patients might react to the procedure. If patients are not comfortable with being sedated, then the absolute minimum of sedation will be applied. Patients can always opt-out of sedation completely. In those situations, we will have to come up with alternatives. Everything we do is about making the patient comfortable.

Our office staff at Rai Oral Surgery & Dental Implants will address the patient’s situation and recommend the appropriate level of sedation so the procedure can be completed easily in a pain-free environment. Call us at our number (757) 777-9883 to find out more information and schedule your appointment.

Monday - Thursday:
8:00am - 4:30pm

Friday: 8:00am - 1:30pm
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Sedation Options - Oral Surgeon Virginia Beach, VA - Rai Oral Surgery & Dental Implants
At Rai Oral Surgery & Dental Implants, we strive to meet your individual comfort needs. For our patients with anxiety, sedation dentistry may be the answer. Call us today!
Rai Oral Surgery and Dental Implants, 933 First Colonial Road #205, Virginia Beach, VA 23454 : (757) 777-9883 : : 1/4/2025 : Key Phrases: oral surgeon Virginia Beach VA :